Training & Seminar
At Ruppel Hydraulics, we offer comprehensive training courses and seminars for your fitters and design engineers.
Whether at your company or at our premises - our training programme covers a broad spectrum, from basic hydraulics courses to training on complex circuits.
Our training programme

Our Training Programmes

    • Basic Courses in Hydraulics: Acquire sound basic knowledge of hydraulic systems and their components.

    • Advanced Courses: Deepen your knowledge and learn how to operate and maintain complex hydraulic systems.


  • Specialised training: Training on specific topics and advanced circuits, tailored to your needs

Global Training Programmes

Our expertise knows no boundaries. We organise training courses in Germany and worldwide. We have already organised successful training courses in countries such as China, Russia, Kenya and Abu Dhabi. Our aim is to provide your team with the best possible training, regardless of your location.

Your Advantages

Training on site or at our premises – just as you wish.
Benefit from our many years of experience and the expertise of our trainers.
Global Deployment:
We train your employees anywhere in the world.

Contact us to find out more about our training programme and to discuss your individual requirements.


Trust Ruppel Hydraulics to expand and improve the knowledge and skills of your employees.


Get in touch with us
+49 (0) 5731 8692 800
We look forward to supporting you!

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